Applications of KSL interleavants for glass

KSL powders are used as separating agents and spacers in the following processes:

All KSL interleaving powders are optimized for the respective glass application and are characterized by a very narrow particle size distribution. The powders are applied to the glass surface with minimal application systems and prevent surface adhesion, which is generally known as the glass plate effect.

Bending of flat glass

In the bending process for laminated safety glass (LSG), our heat-resistant powders eskal based on natural calcium carbonate (limestone) ensure, that the bent glass can be separated after thermal treatment with very high temperatures in the bending furnace.

Our eskal powders drastically reduce the reject rate due to optical errors (e.g. lens effects during the thermal process). This is achieved by undergoing multi-stage separation processes during their production, whereby disruptive fine and coarse particles are removed. This gives our eskal powders an unrivaled uniformity in terms of the particle sizes they contain. The interleaving powders are applied dry or wet.

Different particle sizes for different applications

Our eskal 15 is used for standard dry application glass bending. For more demanding processes or glasses, we recommend our further optimized eskal 14 powder.

Our products eskal 10 and eskal 500 plus offer further possibilities when finer powders are needed. The equally fine eskal 500 is our standard product for wet application.

Storage and transport of float glass

The glass interleavants of the KSL esplas series are used to prevent the glass panes from sticking together during storage and transport of float glass through adhesion and thus enable stacking and destacking of the panes. Moreover, glass corrosion, which might lead to irreparable glass damage, is hindered effectively.

A minimal use of powder is possible with esplas due to the unique structure of the particles. The powders which are made from recycled PMMA (polymethyl methacrylate) or PE (polyethylene) are processed to get an irregular particle shape. These properties enable smooth sliding when the glass panes are separated and minimize simultaneously the risk of slipping due to dust on the floor, which is present by using polymer beads.

The addition of adipic acid protects the stored glass panes from glass corrosion. Depending on the glass and the ambient humidity, the proportion of these corrosion-inhibiting additives can be chosen between 0 % and 50 %.

KSL esplas powders can be applied very economically, e.g. with a classic powder device or with modern minimum application systems.

Our contribution to sustainability:

With our latest development, eseco, we also offer microplastic-free separating powder for flat glass storage. If you would like to test our new release agent made from renewable and biodegradable raw materials in your production, please contact our application support. We are happy to support our customers in switching to environmentally friendly separating powders.


Separation of coated glass and mirror glass

Sensitive glass surfaces, e.g. coated glass or mirror glass, require a particularly high-quality separating powder. The KSL esstar plus series (esstar 30 plus and esstar 45 plus) is the glass interleavant of choice for the most demanding requirements.

The KSL esstar plus separating powders are gentle to the glass surface and thus enable damage-free storage and transport. Soft and almost round particles protect the surface coatings and prevent scratching of even the most sensitive panes of glass.

The field of application ranges from the use on coating layers that have not yet fully hardened (e.g. mirror glass), to sensitive coatings (e.g. sputtered surfaces), to the use as interleaving powder for processes at elevated temperatures of up to 150 °C (e.g. laminating processes in the autoclave).

For even and economical application, we recommend nozzle spraying devices or electrostatically working roller systems.