Our certificates

for guaranteed quality

As part of our KSL quality management, we are committed to the highest quality of our products, services and processes. This is the basis for our aspiration of maximum customer satisfaction.

Our high standards are confirmed by the following certificates. In addition, we issue individual certificates of analysis or conformity. Please contact us for further support.

ISO 9001:2015

Production, development, sales as well as our advice on our products and services are certified according to ISO 9001.

ISEGA certificate

Our powders S5, K4, esstar and eskal are suitable and certified for the production of food packaging.

Kosher certificate

Our powder series S5, K4, esstar and eskal are certified for the production of kosher food packaging.

BG ETEM – Low Emission Product

KSL anti set-off powders are low in fine dust. This is confirmed annually by the BG ETEM.

ISO 13320:2009 – Particle size analysis

Our laser diffractor for particle size analysis is certified annually according to ISO 13220:2009.

Clean room ISO class 8 / GMP class D

Clean room certification according to ISO 14644-1 Class 8 or EU GMP Guideline Annex 1 Class D.

ESG rating

The ESG rating gives our customers the security of being able to rely on KSL as a responsible and reliable partner.

Global Climate Certificate – CO2

Determining our carbon footprint helps us in our ongoing, sustainable corporate development.